What Do Canaries Like In Their Cage-(Explained)

Canary birds are very easy to keep as pets. And if you are looking to have one as a pet there are some basic needs and things that you will need to provide for your canaries so that they live well and happy.

Apart from the feeding or diet of the canary birds which are equally important and vital to its general well-being the cage housing or aviary where the birds are kept must also be taken care of properly on a daily basis.

There are many things to consider when you own a pet bird like the canary and keeping your bird safe and out of harm’s way should be a top priority for you as the bird owner’s duty.

If you are going to keep a canary bird you are definitely going to need a cage to house it in.

And so for the bird to feel at home inside the cage it will need some basic provisions in the cage that make it more comfortable for the bird.

Here we shall list some of the basic and important things that you need to include in the cage for your canary bird so that it doesn’t lack anything.

Perches for swinging:

The first thing that should be placed in your bird cage is perches depending on the size of your cage.

But it is advisable you go for a wider and taller cage so that the bird have enough room to fly around and so you can have between 3-4 perches inside the cage.

The perches should be place at different space from each other and at different levels so as to make it challenging and fun for your bird to climb on.

Also make sure that the diameter of the perches you provide in the cage is not the same so that it can give the bird’s feet a variety of grips and hold on the perches.

You can as well get a tree branch to use as perches in the cage.

Tree branches from plum and apple tree are good for this purpose.

You should wash the branch with water and bleach so as to kill critters that may be harmful to your bird before you place it inside the cage.

Canary birds like to fly horizontally often time rather than up or down so the perches should be placed from one side of the cage to the other.

You should also from time to time change the position of the perches in the cage so as to add some diversity in experience for the bird.

Bird Toys:

Just like it is with people canary birds like to have toys in their cages so that they can play with them.

They like to bite and pull on strings and they use their beak to play with toys such as leather strips.

And so with a few variety of different canary toys to play with they get enough activity and exercise this way.

Two to three types of toys is enough in the cage for the bird to play with.

A swing and one other toy is ok so that the cage doesn’t get stuffed with too much toys.

Some pet owners may sometimes place a mirror in the cage of the bird.

This does not always go well with some birds as they may see their image in the mirror as another bird that is trying to invade on its territory.

This may cause the bird to become less active and not sing as much as before, so you should be cautious with placing this item in your pet canary bird cage.

Water for bathing:

You will need to get a good bird bath for your canary to be able to take his birth in it.

Canary bird likes to take their baths which help to keep them not only clean but also free from bacteria.

There are varieties of bird bath for you to choose from and there are even some that can clip to the side of the cage so it doesn’t spill over.

Water bowl:

It is very important that you have a large water bowl places inside the cage that you refill every time for your bird to drink from.

This is crucial because canary birds can die if they don’t get to drink water after 24 hours.

Also the quality of water you give your pet bird must be good standard clean water.

If your tap water in the house is not clean enough or its poor quality water you can get bottled water to refill the water bowl.

Cover your canary cage at night:

Canaries need their rest and may find it difficult and distracting to go to sleep at night especially when there is noise or lights around the house.

In order to help the canary bird sleep at night you should cover the canary bird cage with a blanket so that is doesn’t get distracted while trying to go to sleep.

Are Canaries happy in a cage?

The canary bird is a solitary bird and so it is able to stay on its own. And so placing one canary bird in a cage will not be a problem for the bird as it will not feel lonely being in the cage.

Giving the proper care and attention to your pet canary by providing all its needs will ensure the bird is happy and active in its cage. The same thing applies to canaries housed in an aviary.

Two male canaries should not be housed in a single cage as they will likely fight each other which can be fatal sometimes.

Make sure the bird cage is big enough so that the bird can fly around inside the cage in whatever direction it chooses to.