How Do Canaries Sleep? (Helpful Tips)

Canaries normally puff up their feathers when they are sleeping and they prefer to sleep in the dark.

So it is advisable that if you have noises and lights from outside or in your house you should cover the canary bird cage with a blanket so as to help the bird to be able to go to sleep.

Just as it is with all birds, resting and sleeping is necessary for canary birds also as it not just only help them to rest from there many daily activities like flying around in their cage and singing but it also help in the development and growth of the young canary birds.

It is important that as a pet owner you know and understand the sleeping cycle of canaries.

You need to know the amount of sleep that they need and how to ensure you create the right and comfortable environment for your bird to be able to sleep comfortably and well.

It is important that canaries get the right amount of sleep that they need or else they may be tireless and clumsy during the day and may not be as active as they should be especially when it comes to singing for you.

We shall discuss about the sleeping habit of a canary bird and also how to make sure that as the pet owner you are providing and monitoring how well your canaries are sleeping. 

It is absolutely normal for canary bird to sleep during the day just as it is with many other birds.

Apart from the long quiet and uninterrupted night sleep that the bird needs for its general well-being it is also common for canary to sleep at around 12pm-3pm during the day.

Just as canaries birds like to sleep in a quiet environment without any form of distraction at night you should also make sure the bird sleep without any noise or distraction when it is sleeping during the day.

The bird’s activity level and singing during the day will contribute to how long the bird will sleep at night.

If your canary bird is deprived of this nap during the day or at night it can have a negative effects on its health and could even lead to illness associated with sleep.

Just ensure you provide everything the bird needs to be able to sleep well like covering the cage at night time or take the cage to a dark separate room and also make sure you keep the noise down while your pet bird is sleeping.

How many hours of sleep do Canaries need?

According to canary bird veterinary and expert a canary bird should sleep for between 12-14 hours of night sleep.

If your pet canary is unable to achieve this amount of sleeping hours per night for some reason then know that the bird will suffer from sleep deprivation.

There are some common sleep disruptions that you might be doing that you don’t know of and it will not make your canary bird to sleep well at night.

We shall talk about some of them here.

Late night TV program:

You may not have noticed that your TV sound and light is not allowing the canary bird to fall sounds

If you must watch your late night TV program then you need to make sure the bird cage is far from the sound of the TV.

Late night chat:

Another common distraction for canaries is for people to be chatting together in the house and the sound is getting to the bird.Late night friends chat

This may not allow the bird to fall asleep on time.

Reflective lights and LED:

This is one that most people miss. You need to make sure that where ever the bird cage is placed in the house that there is no flashing or reflective lights getting to the cage.reflective led lights

Other pets in the house: If you have other pets in the house like cats or dogs. Dogs for instance can startle and bark at anything in the house and this sound will disturb the amount of sleep that the canary will have.

Dogs can bark all through the night and this can affect the canary pets sleep at night.

Cage placed close to AC:

Another thing you should not do as a canary pet owner is to place the cage of the bird close to your air conditioner.air conditioner

The coolness of the air conditioner can affect the bird’s ability to sleep well also if the cage is placed close to a very windy window.

 Birds too also need to have the right kind of weather condition just like us humans to be able to sleep well at night.

You should look out for these common distractions and disturbance which can cause sleep deprivation for your pet canary. Canary birds need their rest to be healthy and be full of activity.


Do canaries need a nest to sleep in?

Canary birds need to have nest provided in their cage where they can sleep in and also lay their eggs in for female canary bird.

For canaries living in the wild they normally use small branches of sticks and leaves to make their nest and take their time to make it strong and durable for them and their chicks to sleep in.

canaries nest


And so if as a bird pet owner you want to provide a nest for your bird to sleep in you need to choose and consider a nest that will closely match the natural nest of canaries in the wild.

Simply look for nests that are made of natural materials to make the bird feel more comfortable like it would in the wild.

There are 4 mostly commonly used materials that manufacturers of bird nest use when they are constructing or making bird nest.

There are canary bird nest that are made of bamboo, plastics, metal and sticks.

Each one has there advantages and disadvantages and will mostly depend on the preferences and needs of the canary bird owner for his bird.

Some of these nests are easy to clean and maintain while some may require some extra effort in order to get dirt and poo out of the nest.

Also another factor that is important to consider before choosing a bird nest is the durability of the nest you will want to choose the most reliable one.

How to tell if your canary is happy

For you to be able to tell if your canary is happy you need to have first made sure that you provided everything that it needs in its cage and surrounding to make the bird comfortable.

And if this has been done then you can easily tell if the canary bird is happy by the way the bird responds to you. If it is a male canary it will surely sing more and play around with its toys.

Female canaries don’t sing like the male bird but they can chirp and with all this happy sound you can easily understand that the canary bird is happy.

You must ensure you provide your bird with all its basic needs like food, water and some sources of entertainment and fun for the canary so as to make them feel at home in their new habitat.

Canaries are quite timid birds and may not like to be hand held initially, so as a bird owner you may need to go slow in this regard until the bird gets accustomed to being handled.

Just like it is with every other pets you need to take proper care of your bird, giving them not just food, water and what they need but also giving them the love and attention they need.

All this will make your canary bird to be more lively, active and happy all the time.